Marking Milestones Through Giving

Gene and Jacque Fuller

Gene and Jacque Fuller

A dispute over popcorn started the romance between Gene and Jacque Fuller.

Gene, BN'68, and Jacque, BN'68, were riding a high school bus back from an away basketball game with their friends. Students were amicably passing around a large bag of popcorn until Jacque and her friend decided the boys on the bus, Gene included, were hogging it. They started a chant demanding the treat.

Soon, popcorn began flying — and so did the sparks.

"I had never seen him before that night," says Jacque. "I was smitten from the beginning."

The couple began dating shortly after and have been together ever since. The Fullers recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They will reach another 50-year milestone this spring: the anniversary of their graduation from Drake University. 

To recognize these monumental life events, the couple has established the Gene and Jacquelyn Fuller Endowed Scholarship. Since Gene and Jacque were both business majors at Drake, the scholarship will support undergraduates in the College of Business and Public Administration.

The couple says they have fond memories from their time at Drake and believe their educations prepared them well for their careers. Now retired, Gene was an attorney, and Jacque owned and managed a business with her siblings.

"One of the things I enjoyed about Drake was the ability to take a diversified course schedule," says Gene. "I appreciated the flexibility."

Of their decision to give, the couple says after reaching their golden anniversary, they began to reflect on their legacy and wanted to pay their good fortune forward. They chose to create a scholarship fund because they realize the cost of tuition can be a significant challenge for some students.

"We just wanted to make it easier for students," Gene says. "We are hoping through this and other gifts we are making that we can make a difference."

50/60 Year Reunion

Reunions for the Classes of 1968 and 1958 will be held during Relays, April 26-28.

Please join us to celebrate this special occasion — and consider making a gift in honor of your reunion year.

Make an Impact at Drake

A monumental life event, such as an anniversary or class reunion, is a meaningful time to reflect on your legacy. Create your legacy at Drake, and make an impact on the lives of Drake students for generations — just as Gene and Jacque Fuller have done. Contact John Amato at 515-271-2849 or to learn more.